Sunday, April 11, 2021

Where and Who I Am

Photo by Marius Venter from Pexels
The Apostle Paul taught his young apprentice, Timothy: 

I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
--1 Timothy 2:8

The message is simplepeople everywhere should pray. My circumstances and surroundings have no bearing on whether or not I can pray and be heard. My inner circumstances, however, have everything to do with the effectiveness of my prayers. My hands should be holy, meaning my actions should be pleasing to God and in line with His will and doing His work. I should be at peace with those around me, not quarreling and disputing and bickering. The Holy Spirit cannot work on a heart that is full of anger or bitterness. So, where I am when I pray is not the issue, but rather who I am and how I am when we pray.

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